Updated March 23, 2025
Reclaimed Antique Wood Flooring
Some of the original surface antique flooring we sell was hand-planed and then foot worn over hundreds of years. These wide plank floors are smooth enough to install without sanding and are perfect for someone who wants an authentic 200 to 300 year old floor. Other vintage reclaimed floors have saw marks and should be screened or sanded once installed. The reclaimed antique flooring for sale below is available only as complete batches. You should plan on 10 – 20% waste. Contact me with your flooring needs and we can find an old floor that’s right for you.
Learn why historic flooring is so valuable. Also, this recent article in CT Old House Online offers insight into the challenges and rewards of reclaimed flooring.
Need help with installation? See our guidelines and tips for installing your original antique wood floor.
New Wide, Original Surface, Foot Worn, Numbered, White Pine Flooring
Spectacular 1,400sf+ of original surface, foot worn, numbered, wide, long, antique Eastern White pine flooring. A fabulous find and a long time in the making. This came from the Chichester, NH meeting house which dates to the 1770’s, but I think the original floor wore out and this floor was put in during the mid-1800’s. It is numbered so the footwear matches the sister boards.Cost: (batch #438) 1,400sf+ @ $35sf, whole batch only, $49,000

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Sold Very Wide, Original Surface, Foot Worn, Red Pine Flooring
450sf+ of super wide, hand-planed and foot worn, antique Red Pine (aka Northern Hard Pine). Native to New England, it is a very heavy and dense wood and tight grain. It is often mixed with White Pine in old houses because they can look very similar. This is an assembled batch from different houses.Cost: (batch #437) 450sf SOLD

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Sold Wide, Original Surface, Hand-Planed Antique Hemlock Flooring
700sf of hand planed, butt edged, antique Hemlock flooring. This material is very nice quality, and the original surface is smooth enough for most people to use ‘as is’ without sanding or even a finish if desired. The Hemlock is much harder and denser than White Pine.Cost: (batch #436) 700sf SOLD

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New Wide Plank, Antique White Pine
350sf of wide, high quality, sand-grade white pine. This material was too wide and too nice to put into the lower prices sand-grade batch…but it could be added to it if needed. Most of the material is unpainted and quite wide.Cost: (batch #435) 350sf @ $20sf, whole batch only, $7,000.

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Wide Plank, 18C, Original Surface, Painted White Pine Flooring
150sf of 18C, ship-lapped, original surface, painted, antique white pine. Widths of ~10” to 16” and lengths of ~14’ to 16’. The flooring could be used ‘as is’ or painted. Because of the condition of the original surface, this floor should not be sanded. The original surface contours would show through the paint.Cost: (batch #432) 150sf @ $25sf, whole batch only, $3,750.

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Wide Plank, Antique, Dry Surface Red Pine Flooring
590sf of long, wide and thick, hand planed and foot worn 18C Red Pine flooring from South Windsor, CT and a similar thickness batch from MA. The flooring is a proud 1”+/- and very heavy and dense. The flooring should be sanded and buffed to bring out the great Red Pine colors. Widths of 7” to 15” and most length of 12’ to 17’ with a few shorts and extra material for patching. As with all my floors, boards will need to be edged and trimmed before installation.Cost: (batch #431) 590sf @ $30, whole batch only, $17,700.

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Wide Plank, Antique, Original Surface Chestnut flooring
375sf of original surface, proud 1” thick, antique chestnut flooring with a reddish-brown wash on one section and another section that has just a few spots of paint. Widths of 7” to 15” and most lengths of 14.5’ to 15’ long, plus some shorts.Cost: (batch #430) 375sf @ $25sf, whole batch only, $9,375.

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Wide Plank, Antique, Sand Grade White Pine
1500sf of wide plank, antique painted and mostly unpainted white pine flooring and wall board (more material being added to it). I've been adding higher quality material to this batch and will make a great, whole house floor. This is ‘sand grade’ material and will be a great, sanded white pine floor once finished.Cost: (batch #428) 1,500sf @ $15.00sf, whole batch only, $22,250.

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Wide Plank, Antique, Painted and Sand Grade Red Pine
1000sf+ of painted, 'sand grade' antique red pine from different rooms and sources. More available if needed. This is ‘sand grade’ material to bring out the beautiful red pine grain and colors and remove the paint or finish. Some material partially or totally painted. It is a very hard, dense floor and sands smoothly. It will make a beautiful floor. Widths range from ~6” to 18”+ and lengths from ~7’ to 17’+ and more material can and will be added soon.Cost: (batch #426) 1000sf+ @ $18, whole batch only, $18,000.

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Wide Plank, Antique, Original Surface Oak Flooring
260sf of early 19C., wide plank, circular sawn oak. Many are just under 12’ long and about 15% shorts (26”). Widths approximately 6” to 16” and lengths from 9’6” to 11’9” plus the shorts. About 210sf are 9’6” and 11’9”. Nominally 7/8” to 1” thick. Perfect for buffing to smooth high points of saw marks but leave them as a prominent feature.Cost: (batch #425) 260sf @ $25, whole batch only, $6,500.

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Sold Original, 18C., NH Attic, White Pine Flooring for the Purist
700sf of fabulous white pine attic flooring from NH. Great foot worn, straight sawn surface with some boards worn more than others, which typical attic floors of this age.**BONUS package of approximately 500sf of full thickness sub-flooring for FREE if flooring purchased and removed or delivered by the end of August, 2024. Widths similar to the flooring and some could be used as flooring if whole floor buffed or sanded.**Cost: (batch #422) SOLD

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Wide Plank Antique Red Oak Flooring
250sf of mostly clear, red oak with a thin, tight layer of green paint or wash. Flooring has few nail holes in surface as flooring was ship-lapped and much of it was edge nailed. Most pictures are in place with some demolition debris. One photo of underside shows grain and very few knots. Widths of 8”-12” and lengths of 3’-10’+/-.Cost: (batch #332) 250sf @ $20sf, whole batch only, $5,000.

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5/4, Splined, Antique White Pine
160sf of 5/4”, splined, antique, painted and foot worn white pine. Perfect for a wine cellar or loft needing thick flooring. Widths of 6” to 10” +/- and lengths of 5’ to 12’ +/-. As with all my floors, this flooring will need to have the edges and ends trimmed during installation.Cost: (batch #412) 160sf @ $12.50, whole batch only, $2,000.

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Wide Plank Red Pine Antique Flooring
320sf of very wide, straight sawn, Red Pine flooring. This flooring is known for its prominent red growth rings and hardness. Flooring is suitable for sanding lightly, leaving some of the saw marks visible once finished.Cost: (batch #314) 320sf @ $12sf, whole batch only, $3,840.

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Sold Wide Plank, Hand Planed, Foot Worn Antique White Oak
865sf of mostly hand planed and foot worn, 18C. antique White Oak from PA. This is a spectacular floor and all from one attic. It is thick at a proud 1” with a few boards thicker. While most of this batch is smooth enough to use ‘as is’, a small percentage of the batch may need to be sanded depending on your preference.Cost: (Batch #403) SOLD

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