Added March 20, 2025.Two matching, hand hewn, Northern Red Pine, 43’x 12”x12’ tie beams from original 1770 mill. They’d make fantastic great room focal pieces with historical significance. Beams are each from a single tree. Over 500 bf of wood in each.
Shamrock Mill was built in 1770 and was located in Paxinos, PA. These two beams flanked the main floor and are original to the 18C mill. The mill only processed grains and the beams were never painted or whitewashed. They are hand hewn and full length from one tree. They have never been exposed to chemicals or animal waste. Material has been visually de-nailed. It would be fabulous material as exposed beams in a house or great room.
Cost: (SMG batch #5) $24,000 for the pair.